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Timeless Jewellery

Timeless Jewellery
While it pays in some ways to follow the trends, every woman should have some timeless jewellery pieces. Just like investment pieces...

While it pays in some ways to follow the trends, every woman should have some timeless jewellery pieces. Just like investment pieces in your wardrobe, those are ideally are your go-to-expensive pieces of jewellery. Every woman has that winning outfit that just works and those jewellery pieces are a part of it. That’s the best way I can describe the timeless pieces. If I think of something expensive I almost always associate it with some of my own clothes (that I am lucky to own) and also jewellery (thanks to my dear husband and his gifts). So for today’s post I thought I would share what I would consider timeless jewellery.

Engagement ring

My engagement ring is nearly a decade old. I do not wear it every day anymore, but I do wear it to almost every family gathering, dinner date with my other half and often on girl’s nights out. It reminds me of the very romantic time in our relationship and this is probably what makes it timeless. Those memories will hopefully never leave me.


Pearls are something that would either remind you of a mermaid or Jane Fonda or Helen Miren. If you associate it with latter, you might not want to own any until later in life. I own a pearl bracelet and some earrings. While it is not my frequent choice of jewellery nowadays, anytime I am going on holiday, I bring them. I think they look very good with brighter colour clothes and in the sunshine. However, I would also wear them with a black dress when I am out for dinner or going to an event.

pearl earrings

Pearl Seoda Atlántacha Silver Hook Earrings

Statement ring

I love big chunky rings. I remember my grandmother always had one or two in her jewellery box. They would be gold and would have ether a big ruby stone or a collection of stones in it. It is probably something to be associated with royalty and I certainly do not own anything that expensive but I do have few rings that definitely have a "statement" written all over them. I believe statement jewellery, in general, can transform any boring or unflattering outfit. And it works well for the budget too!

blue stone statement ring

Night Sky Blue Square Silver Ring

Statement Necklace

When I was choosing pieces for our shop, there is no way I would not include statement necklaces (link) and sets into our range. I am absolutely in love with big chunky necklaces. They could be worn with LBDs, maxi dresses, mini dresses, suits and even bikinis! Now I am also thinking about girls from a cabaret, those ones with feathers. Those chunky necklaces are so versatile, you can wear one to a wedding or to dance in a cabaret! 

green statement necklace

Atlantic Waves Emerald Green Clíodhna Earrings and Necklace Set

Wedding Ring

I left this one to the last, as I am sure many of you would never part with our wedding bands and some would not have one yet.  It probably should not count, but it is an ultimate timeless jewellery piece as rings have originated back in Ancient Egypt and symbolised eternity and endless connection. What more timeless is there?

If you have not started your timeless collection yet, just to let you know it is never too late! If you have already, what are the items in your jewellery collection that you consider timeless? Let me know. I love hearing from you.

Until next time,




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