Jewellery and Fashion Trends From Ireland
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The February Birthstone: Amethyst – A Symbol of Serenity and Wisdom
Publish by: Declan Mcgee
As we step into the month of February, adorned with its wintry charm, we...
4 Major Jewellery Trends for Autumn/Winter 2019
Publish by: Ali Baloch
As many of you and myself just sent the kids off to...
Rose Quartz – Best Kept Secret in Crystals
Publish by: Ali Baloch
Something has caught our attention recently. And no, it’s not a trend...
Let's Talk Pendants
Publish by: Ali Baloch
You might have seen unicorn pendant necklaces in our online store already,...
Why We are the Best Place to Buy Watches
Publish by: Ali Baloch
While a lot of you will associate Eva Victoria (#EvaSparkles) with jewellery,...